Communication & Information Technology Products

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Nota : Any answer is optional. However, the more information you provide us, the better we will be able to help you.

Type of services that interest you :
  • implementation of a database
  • replacement of an old basic system of data handling
  • development of an application for exploitation of the database
  • other [specify]

Sphere of activity of your company

Name of the company

Web site of the company

Approximate number of employees.

Degree of computerization of your company :
  • Number of computers
  • Presence of computer network
  • Internet connection
  • How old are the computers

How to contact you :
  • Family name, first name
  • Title
  • E-mail
  • Telephone/s
  • Fax

What prompted your interest in a database system for your company ?

How did you hear about us ?